Tooth Extraction in Dubai: Last Option For a Badly Damaged Tooth

You think you might need a teeth extraction in Dubai Marina? We got what you are looking for! We welcome old and new patients alike!

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The only fix for some badly damaged teeth is tooth extraction

This involves the total removal of the tooth from the tooth socket in the jawbone. However, you can rest assured that we will use this treatment option as a last resort after all other restoration treatment options have been considered.

What is tooth extraction?

This procedure of tooth extraction in Dubai involves the total removal of a damaged or decayed tooth from the tooth socket. A blood clot will form to stem the bleeding and start the healing process. You can ensure that healing is encouraged by keeping the mouth and the tooth extraction site as clean as possible. Abstaining from smoking will increase the chances of a quick recovery after an extraction.

Our Swedish & German Dentists in Dubai

We are committed to enhance your experience

Why is tooth extraction treatment important?

The dental center you can trust

Our dentists aim to deliver healthy and confident smiles for everyone in Dubai and beyond.
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Dubai Marina, Seba Street

Sun - Thu 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Fri 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Saturday Closed

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Tooth Extraction Procedure

With the proper aftercare, prompt healing is expected after a tooth extraction. A clot will form in the hours after an extraction and the gums should have completely closed over the socket in a matter of weeks.

We will ensure you are properly counselled to guarantee complete healing. You should also continue with a good regime of oral hygiene to maintain the best oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Extractions in Dubai

Usually it only takes a few days to recover if you follow the dentist’s homecare instructions. Take your painkillers as prescribed to ease any pain and discomfort. You can use an ice compress to reduce swelling and avoid any strenuous physical activity for about 24 hours after the extraction. Eating soft foods will prevent any damage and allow the area to heal properly. Abstaining from smoking will also help the healing.
Your dentist will prescribe a mild analgesic which will help control any pain after the local anaesthetic wears off.
Part of the healing process after an extraction is the blood clot that develops to stop the bleeding. Any hot beverage, like tea, coffee or soup may dislodge that blood clot and disrupt the healing process. Stick to cold drinks after an extraction.
Water is safe to have if you don’t use a straw and you don’t spit out forcibly. This may dislodge the blood clot.
You can eat soft foods and drink water a few hours after an extraction.
For the first few days immediately after an extraction, eat what you can manage. Some patients prefer to only eat soft foods like yoghurt, soups that have been cooled, or pureed fruits and veggies.
If you develop a fever, severe swelling, bleeding that won’t stop, signs of inflammation at the extraction site like excessive tenderness, or any discharge, then you should see your dentist.
The local anaesthetic wears off after a few hours. You will gradually notice more control over your facial muscles on the side of your face the tooth was extracted from.